4 girls and 3 boys.

2 of the girls are brown/white, The rest of the litter is black and white. They all have tan. Foxi's mother is brown, So that's why we knew there might be a couple of brown puppies. Maggie did it super well, As always, I'm almost about to say. She's just mega cool and didn't need help, Only a little encouragement and being cuddled. 1. puppy came at 18.20 and last around noon 23. I.e. I thought it was the last😊 one
But during that night, yes, then there was one more, So there was 7 puppies in the box the next morning. Maggie just needed a little break before the last boy came. She made everything even. Nice big puppies .. Again, I'm about to say as always. A very homogeneous litter with a birth weight from 388 GR to 445 GR.