On the hottest day of the year,

In mid-July we went to Sweden to mate. When we arrived at Åkers Styckebruk just outside Stockholm in the afternoon, was it 35 degrees in the shade – Pyraamides. No one could do anything., neither dogs nor humans. We agreed to come back at 10:00. 22 and hoped for slightly lower temperatures. But .. we were only down to 29 degrees and now all the knuckles came from the forest. So we agreed on a new meeting the next morning.. Pedro and Maggie wanted to play a little, go for a walk, drink water from the same bowl .. but also no more and – again it was frying hot. To make a long story short, then it came into being 3 Nights … in very different places (it was also holiday time in Sweden and everything was booked) and one successful mating 😀 and that is enough. Last week Maggie was scanned and there are puppies. We are hoping for a litter of lovely jumping puppies in mid-September.