Alexander and Emma came.
As I wrote last it was a very strange time with Corona shutdown. No guests, nor the immediate family. Our buyers managed to get there once before DK shut down and then they were spammed with videos the rest of the time. Luckily, Alexander and Emma eventually came and helped wash before the delivery – we obviously kept a good distance. A and E faced each other by washing and I on the sidelines. Even when we were delivering the puppies, things were going on.. We usually give ourselves plenty of time to sit and talk over a coffee. But this year it went a little faster, then we could talk on the phone afterwards. However, it had to be done in a safe way for the puppies- and it was the. Everyone got on well to their new home. 6 zealand this time, 1 to Bornholm and 1 stayed with us. More will be done on this.