Follow with at Kennel Alekri
Piper has born
6 beautiful and healthy puppies - 5 bitches and 1 He. This is the Pipers 3. litter so she has tried it before. This time it took a little long time ... or too so I miscalculated when Piper really started [...]
Now with hundevogn
Team Alekri on tour. We are fortunate that many of them we meet for training, sitting in the Board of Directors with and coach together with, has been real good friends. It makes us have weekend arrangemente [...]
Påskehare or-rabbit
Moving in the right direction. Maggie and I have been on a training weekend at Vordingborg. NP was with as a coach since the thick (Piper) the need to be careful on the puppies in her, and therefore could not attend and Al [...]
“The Success Of The Sisters”
Maggie consisted field trial for beginners. Saturday 23. March drove Maggie, NP and I to Juellund at Herfølge to participate at Spaniel Club field trial for beginners. We were in total. 8 from region Nordsj [...]
Piper is drægtig!
Easter chickens-Easter 🙂 Piper is scanned and she's drunk!. We are waiting puppies for Easter. The danger is Desperados Gunpowder, He has just been Danish Elite track champion. It will be puppies as in [...]
Piper is paired!
We drove north instead of the South. Naxi became ill 4 days before we were to pair. For us, the dogs ' health and well-being are always the most important. So we were not at all in doubt - We should not use the Naxi [...]
While we wait for Pipers maturity
We have been on the course with Thomas Sticks. On the course introduced the concept of "shaping". It goes out to the dog even offers a behavior and rewarded, When this is the desired behavior. We tried to work out, at hu [...]
Puppies 2019 -We are ready
.. We wait just to Piper come in heat. Piper was supposed to have come into maturity in december, but ... This is how it went not. She wont otherwise to be quite accurate with his maturity, but I have heard from [...]
Day on the beach and departure
They all come a "walk in the bajlen". When there is 8 Puppies on 8 weeks together on a limited area, so they may well come to smell a bit ... and it is not by Jasmine. It is also really important to intro [...]
Walk outside the land
They get the belt on and comes with on the field. We take one or two with a time, but everyone gets a ride down on the field with the big dogs (or alone with Maggie). Then they get permission to run with mother, grandmother and [...]
Veterinary control;
They were all super healthy. They were felt on, listened on, looked in the ears, looked in the mouth/teeth, vaccinated and chipped. Again, we were told that it is super nice puppies, very harmonious and a very [...]
Many customers
When the puppies are big enough, are here always many guests. This year it's been really easy, because we have been outside all the time. Most days, the door to the puppies living room stood open from 06.30 until 8 pm 20-21 [...]