
Follow with at Kennel Alekri

Nevis has moved

to Lis and Peter in Rungsted. The hardest decision I've made in terms of being a breeder, I had to take in April this year. Nevis was 1 year and was therefore HD photographed on the hips, as we [...]

Goodbye Alba

Therefore, it has also been difficult to update the website. Because then I had to make this post, which is so hard to write. Even now, almost six months after, yes then I can hardly see the screen [...]

Help and drop-off

Alexander and Emma came. As I wrote last it was a very strange time with Corona shutdown. No guests, nor the immediate family. Our buyers made it to come once before DK closed [...]

A lot has happened

Corona virus came. I haven't been good at updating here - i'm sorry. The virus came and did many things differently. We had virtually no guests ... a very strange situation to [...]

We got puppies

They were born Saturday 8.2.2020. 8 big fat basses gave birth to Maggie. It wasn't so weird that she was mega thick for the puppies weighed between 410-480 GR. It's big puppies and when there's 8, yes so fy [...]

Confirmed gestation

Maggie must have puppies. Wednesday D. 8. In January, Maggie was scanned and there are puppies on the way. Our veterinarian scans only for pregnancy, Because there may be many puppies from the beginning and then an ell [...]

We have paired Maggie

On a clear frostdag near Stockholm Maggie chose this time to "Postpone" Its maturity quite long. We would like to avoid having to drive to Sweden 24.12. However, it was not necessary. Tuesday D [...]

Imprinting and learning

It is important to start early but always pleasurable. We coach call on flute. IE. When the puppies begin to get solid food, as whistles we once we get with the food. They learn pretty quickly to get [...]

Guests of all ages

Contact is so important. Since we don't even have small children more, Fortunately, we can entice others to. It is important that puppies encounters people of all ages. We also always have many people visiting, When V [...]

Out in the world

It's a little dangerous to outside. When the puppies are about 4 weeks they come out in the outdoor puppy farm. It depends a lot on the weather, It must be hot and not count. And so must they also just only [...]

Here is the

Now looks like small dogs. Here are pictures of each puppy. It's pretty hard to tell the difference when you only see their "face". We always take pictures just when they are born and take note of the characteristics. On [...]

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